A*Spec Erfurt

every 4th sunday of the month from 4 to 6 p.m.

You identify yourself as a-, demi-, grey- *sexual and/ or *romantic or you feel otherwise belonging to the A* spectrum? Maybe you’re not really sure about your Aidentity yet and have a thousand questions in your head? If you are looking for other people on the ASpectrum with whom you can share your feelings, thoughts, experiences, doubts and self-knowledge, then the group A*Spec Erfurt is just right for you.

This group is a safe space for people on the A*Spectrum – a little break from the societal pressure of normative expectations of sexual and romantic relationships and binary gender ideas. We create this space together by sharing our experiences, having discussions, and planning activities – or simply spending relaxed time together at movie, cooking, or game nights, craft activities, picnics together in the park, and much more.

The group was founded in March 2022 as the first A*Spec group ever in Thuringia, but had to take a break temporarily. Since June 2023 we are active again and meet regularly in the rooms of the Queer Center Erfurt in Johannesstraße 52.

If you feel addressed, have questions or are interested in an exchange, feel free to contact us at:


We are looking forward to meeting you!

Queer bouldering group Erfurt

every tuesday from 6:30 p.m. in the Nordwand

o you like to boulder, are you looking for a new group and want to boulder together with others from the community? Or you always wanted to try yourself on the wall, but still need a push? Or you just want to meet new people? Then we look forward to meeting you! The queer bouldering group is open to all experience levels. So you don’t need to have any experience, just a desire to get moving. For those who want to work on their technique, we can help with trainer skills.

We meet every week on Tuesday from 6:30 pm in the Nordwand, the climbing and bouldering hall in the north of Erfurt. Shoes can be rented in the hall, the entrance fee is a solidarity fee and is supported by the Naturfreunde as our cooperation partner. So you pay what you can afford every time.

The climbing hall is a binary space, which means that changing rooms and toilets in the hall are not signposted in a gender-neutral way. However, you are welcome to come to the hall already changed, most people do that anyway. We as group leaders are also in talks with the hall to make the space more queer-sensitive. If there is a need, we as responsible persons will be happy to help.

Are you interested? Then just drop by or contact us at: s.arnold@trans-inter-aktiv.org.

At short notice you can reach us under the following number: 0176 62623645.

The Queer Boulder Group is a cooperation of Naturfreunde Thüringen, TIAM e.V. and the Queer Center Erfurt.

Creative Group

every 2nd Saturday of the month from 12 to 4 p.m.

Are you interested in drawing, knitting, painting, sewing and/or handicrafts? Would you like to broaden your creative horizons? Would you like to try out something new? Then we cordially invite you to join our creative group.

We meet every month on the 2nd Saturday to explore various creative ideas. Whether it’s drawing, painting, sewing, crocheting, handicrafts and much more.

There are no limits to creativity.

You don’t need any previous knowledge or special skills, we look forward to meeting you!


The 2nd Saturday of the month 12-16 h


Queer Centre Erfurt

If you have any questions, please get in touch at: kreativ@queeres-zentrum-erfurt.de

Inclusion group

every 3rd Saturday of the month from 3 to 5 p.m.

The inclusion group meets once a month.

We want to make the Queer Centre Erfurt more inclusive.

We want to collect ideas for this.

We use simple language in our meetings.

If you have any questions, please write to us:


International Queer Game Night

every 1st friday of the month from 6 p.m.

Join us for an International Queer Game Night!

We want to create a place for international queer people in the Erfurt + Thuringia area! This event is guaranteed to have English and German speakers. We will also have lots of games so we can have fun without words!

Come by to meet new people, make friends, learn what the Queer Center has to offer, and have a good time!

If you have any questions feel free to write to us at: gamingnight.ef@queerweg.de

Queer IT

every 4th Monday of the month from 5 to 8 p.m.

You always wanted to learn programming or know how a computer works? You need help with technology, for example, because the computer is broken, the e-mails won’t go out? Or you want to talk with others about your own ideas?

We want to exchange ideas and learn new things in a pleasant, comfortable round. The goal is no frontal teaching, but creative discussions and fun!

All people welcome!

For questions and ideas please contact: queerit-gruppe@queerweg.de

Kinky in Erfurt
Young BDSM-meeting for kinksters, poly*s and queers

for all 18 years and older

once a month, fridays from 7p.m.

We invite to the open BDSM-meeting for all from 18 years.

We want to create a sexpositive atmosphere for kinksters, queers and poly*people and be a safespace to exchange and get to know each other in a protected space. We are open for new participants and beginners.

At the beginning we will have a small round of introductions and exchange about upcoming events, questions from the round or suggestions for topics.

If you want, you can bring something to eat, so we can have a buffet together.

In order to function as a Safespace, we ask that you follow a few rules:
  1. We don’t have a dress code, just come in your everyday clothes or however you feel comfortable.
  2. We are not a dating service! Of course we can’t and don’t want to forbid discreet flirting, but we reserve the right to expel pushy or aggressive people from the Stammtisch.
  3. The same applies to people who think they have to discriminate or insult others.
  4. Since we are primarily looking for like-minded people and want to exchange ideas, we ask you to refrain from obvious playing(?).
  5. Please do not take photos on site. It’s best to leave your smartphone in your pocket as much as possible 😉

If you are interested in participating or for more info, get in touch at kinky-in-erfurt@posteo.de

Your Rosa Rugosa

Open volunteer meeting

every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Would you like to help shape the Queer Centre? Do you perhaps already have your own ideas that you would like to contribute or would you like to come along and get to know us first? Then our volunteer meeting is the right place for you!

We cordially invite you to our open volunteer meeting every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Together we want to discuss how we can strengthen the Queer Centre Erfurt as volunteers. It offers you the opportunity to network with other volunteers and contribute your own ideas and impulses. Together, we can also create new activities and offers for queer people and thus further strengthen our community.

Look forward to an evening full of inspiration, exchange and joint organisation! Whether you have been part of our community for a long time or have just joined – we look forward to your ideas and your participation. Let’s make the Queer Centre Erfurt even more colourful and diverse together!

Do you have any questions? Then please write to us:

Parents with trans* children (non-active)

the age of the children should be between 5 and 14 years

No meetings at the moment!

When one’s own child does not match the gender identity assigned to them at birth, not only the child but also the parents and close caregivers often face great challenges and questions:

How do I meet my child’s needs?
What are the needs, particularities and sometimes also obstacles?
What do I have to consider in everyday life, at school or with the authorities?
How will my child become happy? Isn’t it something beautiful that my child is exactly the way they are?

The Queer Center Erfurt provides a quarterly exchange and meeting offer for parents and relatives with trans* children, in which such thoughts can be shared and discussed.

For this purpose, we first offer a conversation room for the parents, while the children can get to know each other in the next room under pedagogical guidance and play together for a while. Afterwards we want to have lunch together and move into a more open getting to know each other.

If you have any further questions or comments, please contact us at eltern-trans-kinder@queerweg.de. We look forward to seeing you 😊.

Queer Reading Group Erfurt

every 2nd Monday of the month from 17.30 to 19.30

You like reading and would like to talk about books together? Or do you just need a little motivation to pick up a book again? For that, there will now be a reading group where we will read different queer books and texts together and discuss what we have read.

The reading group is meant to be a safe space to engage with queer issues, to get to know new perspectives and of course to enjoy good books.

If you have any questions, feel free to write me: lesegruppe@queeres-zentrum-erfurt.de

Bildhintergrund: Foto der queeren Bibliothek im Queeren Zentrum, Bildvordergrund: Text: "Lese- und Begegnungscafe"

Reading and Meeting Café

every 1st and 3rd friday of the month from 3 to 6 p.m.

We invite you every second Friday from 3 pm to 6 pm to the Reading and Meeting Café. If you would like to read something in peace or in company, end the week in a cozy round, have always wanted to browse our queer library, or just want to get into conversation over a coffee or tea, feel free to come by. Feel free to bring your own texts or books that you would like to talk about.

Relationship Diversity – Get-together for Polyamory & more… Erfurt

age 18 and older

every 2nd Sunday of the month from 3 to 5 p.m.

Who can participate?
Our meeting is about open relationships, polyamory, relationship anarchy and many other forms of non-monogamous relationships. Are you interested and want to exchange ideas with like-minded people? Then you are invited, no matter how much experience you have!

We have three fixed rules:
  1. The get-together is for people 18 years and older. If you are younger and still interested, please write us. Currently we cannot make any exceptions.
  2. We are not a dating platform.
  3. Be sensitive with your language. Our get-together and the Queer Center are safe spaces for queer people. Ask your fellow humans, with which name and pronoun they want to be addressed.

Do you have questions, wishes, ideas or suggestions?
Then write to us at: polyamorie@queerweg.de

Rainbow Families Group

every 4th Saturday of the month 3 to 5 p.m.

Are you interested in talking with other queers about family planning, childbearing, and/or the realities of different queer family models? Then you’ve come to the right place. Once a month we meet for an open exchange at the Queer Center in Erfurt. Whether you are single, with a partner or partners, with children or without children, with or without the desire to have children or even undecided: We want to try together to create a safe place where all people can openly share about everything related to queer family life.

Registration is not necessary. If you already have children, you are welcome to bring them along. We will try to provide childcare by a pedagogical specialist and will let you know in time if we can provide it.

If you like and have the possibility, you are welcome to bring a board game and a snack for a buffet.

Exchange, networking, childcare, games and food.

Every 4th Saturday of the month from 3 pm to 5 pm.

We try to be as barrier-free as possible. If you have questions about this or need specific assistance, write to us. We will then try to find a solution.

If you have further questions or comments, please contact us at regenbogenfamilien@queerweg.de. We look forward to seeing you 😊.

Self-help group for trans and non-binary people

every 1st Sunday of the month from 3 to 5 p.m.

Who can participate?
Anyone who is trans or non-binary themselves or still unsure. This can also mean that you may not have a word for your gender. For example, if everyone says you’re a man or a woman, but somehow that doesn’t fit you at all, you’re also welcome. We know how different people are. There is no right way to be trans or non-binary. It doesn’t matter if or how much you want to change your body. It also doesn’t matter how many people you tell that you are trans or non-binary. It also doesn’t matter how many other steps you’ve already taken or how many you still have ahead of you.

What can you expect?
After a short welcome, we want to talk about topics that currently move us. Each session has a main topic that we talk about, but of course you can also bring up other topics. We publish the topic of the session beforehand here in the event calendar and on the social media channels of the Queer Center. However, it’s also okay to say nothing at all. No one has to participate. If you just want to drop by and listen, that’s ok. After 2 hours the official part is over. However, anyone who feels like it can then stay a little longer and chat a bit.

Do you need anything else?
We want as many people as possible to feel comfortable with us. If you would like to participate but still need something or have a question, feel free to write to us at:


We try to be as barrier-free as possible. If you need barrier-reducing measures, write us. We will then try to find a solution. The room is accessible with a wheelchair. However, the toilets are unfortunately not barrier-free.

We are looking forward to seeing you!

Young & Queer

the group is open for all who feel young and queer

every 2nd and 4th friday of the month from 3 to 6 p.m.

Together we talk, play games and see what the group is in the mood for. Just come and bring your own ideas for our time together.

If you have any questions, please contact us at young-and-queer-ef@queerweg.de

We are looking forward to meeting you!

More group offers under construction

The group you are looking for is not listed? We are currently in the process of setting up further group offerings. If you would like to participate, please contact us!

Contact person: Luna Karsubke